
June 20, 2013

I Trimmed My Hair…

I brought out the scissors and got a light trim.  Remember my (last wash day)post when I told you guys that I suffered from a lot of breakage, well the before trim pic below shows you exactly. As you can see 1 inch was trimmed off and I wanted more cut but mom insisted that it was enough. I must admit I'm scared to trim my own hair. 

Please click image to enlarge
My ends looks on the thin side but that's because my hair was product heavy after moisturizing and sealing for 4 days before I decided to trim.  This was probably a bad idea and I should have trimmed right after my relaxer.  

Please click image to enlarge
Have you trimmed recently & What method do you use to trim?

Be Inspired.....


  1. Your ends are definitely looking better. I got a trim- more like a cut- about 2 months ago and haven't regretted it since my ends look ok now.

  2. Great trim! Your ends look great. I just do chops now that I am transitioning. I plan on getting my next one at 1 year post.

  3. Yes, I trimmed due to some breakage. I had my cousin do it for me because I don't think I can do it myself. Your ends looks great!

  4. I trimmed off about 1/2 a week ago where my bone straight ends look thinner than my texlaxed hair. I haven't ever really regretted a trim. Your ends look lovely! x

  5. Your ends look great! I trimmed after my last relaxer in March. I learned how to self-trim into a U shape from Miss Feye's Live journal page here:

  6. Thanks Ladies, you guys are the best!!!!!

  7. Your ends look good !!!

    I want to trim ASAP. I will take off at least an inch on my next relaxer day, although I am tempted to just cut it tomorrow!!!


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