
July 04, 2013

One Year Hair Anniversary…

Time flies so quickly and I can’t believe I have been on my Healthy Hair Journey for a year now and feeling really blessed to see how well my hair is blossoming. June 2012 was when I started my hair journey, you can check out how and why I started my (Healthy Hair Journey).

My Hair Journey hasn't been a walk in the park but I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far.  I don’t have any regrets but I do wish I started my Hair Journey sooner, better late than never right.

Have a look at how my hair has been over the year so far and looking forward to meeting many more goals in the future. I started off at Full Neck / Shoulder Length and now I’m grazing APL. Over the last year I wore braid-outs (still have to master this), Bantu Knots, Buns, Flexi-Rods, Inside Cornrow/French Braid and Faux Bobs.

First 4 month stretch:
Please click on image to enlarge

Second 4 month stretch:
Please click on image to enlarge
Third 4 month stretch:
Please click on image to enlarge
One Year Hair Comparison:
Please click on image to enlarge
How long have you been on your Healthy Hair Journey?

Be Inspired…


  1. Congrats on your one year hair anniversary! you've made some amazing progress. I guess I have officially been on my hair journey for 8 months. I can't wait to see where I am after a year. HHG!

  2. Great progress for being just one year into your hair journey.
    Next stop is BSL, girl :-)

    1. Thanks Bebe! Definitely looking forward to BSL

  3. Wow you do keep me inspired! Amazing progress! Can't wait to be celebrating my 1 year, and you are right better late than never!

    1. Been on my journey just over 5 months, so I have a long way to go!

    2. Thank you!!! I really appreciate it. Don't worry you will be there in no time.

  4. Happy HHJ Day!! *throws confetti* Great results! What a difference a year makes! Your hair is not only longer, but thicker and with a lot more shine. Great job!

    1. Awww Age thanks! I'm amazed when I look back at pictures and see where I started from and where I'm at now.

  5. Happy hairvessary! I loved looking at the comparison photos your retention in a year is amazing and your hair looks much thicker now than it did same time last year.

  6. Happy 1 Year HAIRniversary!! x

  7. Congrats on making it to a year! Your hair has improved so much, beautiful x

  8. Happy 1 year :)! Fantastic progress! Keep up the good work, hun :o)


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