
November 08, 2013

Twist and Bun Two Ways…

This hairstyle was a mishap and so unplanned. My hair was in a ponytail and the front was left out. Not wanting to undo my pony tail I just twisted the front section and glided it around my high ponytail, then bun my hair. I wore my hair like this for 3 days then I switched it up and wore a low bun for 2 days.

I like the fact that it adds character to the side of my face instead of the same old bun which is combed straight back without any parts.  No sock was used for any of these buns. Sorry for the quality of the pics, it was taken with my phone.

Please click on image to enlarge
What methods do you use to change up your same ole bun?

Be Inspired…


  1. Very cute, and so sleek! A twist definitely helps buns be more exciting x

  2. such cute styles - thanks for sharing!

  3. Very cute. I'm boring and do much with my buns. But I like yours!

  4. Love this! Your bun looks full and healthy.

  5. Really cute. I tend to put a side twist as well or have a Mohawk in the front

  6. The side twist adds a nice edge to this formal do!

  7. Thanks ladies!
    @ Yvonne I can never get a faux right at all, please share.

  8. Oooooh, this is such a great bun idea, it looks so nice and stylish. I totally want to try it. Thanks for sharing.


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