
January 14, 2014

How To | Prep Your Hair For & On Relaxer Day…

Instead boring you with my relaxer day prep wash day, I decided to share my routine for future purposes and for anyone who wants to start a healthy hair journey.  This is a guide line that I use for my preparation prior and on the day itself. I’m venturing into being a DIY girl and although its nerve racking I’m up for the challenge this weekend @ 18weeks post relaxer.

How I prepare for relaxer day the week before:
Please click on image to enlarge
How I prepare on relaxer day:

Please click on image to enlarge
Do you do anything different to prep your hair for relaxer day, please share?

Be Inspired…


  1. Great post. I've never done a protein treatment before neutralising but might actually try it on my next relaxer x

  2. Awesome tips and I love how easy to read this format is! After experiencing terrible irriation during my last touch up, I'm most certainly going to base my scalp with a ton of Vaseline!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  3. I'm daydreaming about perming and rockin' a short pixie do, so I may be takin ur advice very soon

  4. I like the way you presented it. I do pretty much the same thing, except since I'm texlaxing, I skip the clarifying shampoo during the pre-relaxer wash day.

  5. Good recap, and well explained
    Thanks dear

  6. Love the way you have presented it! Great tips! I pretty much follow the same steps as well!

  7. I don't have a relaxer anymore, but I followed every tip you have and made it a point to NEVER SCRATCH my scalp before a relaxer. I had to learn that lesson the hard way.

  8. The vaseline trick was mandatory when I was relaxing my hair ... OH and the no scratching. Girl, I learned horribly why it is so important not to bother the scalp before relaxing.

  9. Thanks Ladies @ Yvonne, LV & Faith

  10. Oooh, you relax your own hair, YAY. I haven't gone there but I hope to do that one day. Can't wait to see your results, I always love to see the after result of a relaxer.


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