
March 18, 2014

Guest Post | Behind The Scenes Story About Tomes Edition...

Hi everyone this is Kevin, Tomi’s fiancĂ©. I just thought it would be nice to do a guest post on Tomes Edition to give you guys kind of a behind the scenes look at Tomes Edition: the person behind the posting (blogging | vlogging), and also to say thank you for your very kind words with regards to an earlier post where Tomes Edition would have discussed the details of my proposal for the (engagement). I really appreciate the love, assurance, blessings and advice you have all shared, it inspires us and keeps us grounded as we continue to plan for our big day.

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It has been truly an amazing journey Tomes Edition has been on so far, and to be involved in the so called “fetus" phases of it all, to seeing it grow, develop and expand its reach, has been a joy to see

and experience. I remember Tomi approaching me (August 2012) as she often does with a proposal or an idea she was considering for some time about starting a blog to do with ways to maintain relaxed hair. She said she had been doing some research and she wanted to start a hair journey and blog about it as both an encouragement to herself and to inspire others to do the same as its a very rewarding process, even though its a lot of hard work. As we continued to discuss the pros and cons of blogging, she had an answer for everything I asked or suggested, she had been thorough in her analysis as she often is. For those of you who might not know, i’m a perfectionist and very meticulous with organizing anything, so she knew she had to come with a sound “pitch” to receive my endorsement in full. BUT i’m not a “Freak,” I have developed a relaxed approach to being a perfectionist and would seek to implement a vision I may have about something if you ask for my opinion, I don’t go overriding or suggest things constantly and think things need to be done specifically this way or the next.

Brainstorming | Market Research | Projecting
The market research and development phase started in earnest , so I started to do my research as well based on what she suggested and we started the blog website and started to fill it in with a combination of our visions projecting into the future. The name 'Tomes Edition,' was birth on the concept of expanding into other areas such as fashion, make-up, and life in general (relationships, outings, etc), so its basically her “Edition" (thoughts, ideas, spin) on these areas and not only focussed exclusively to her hair journey even though that is the focal point. “Tomes” [toh-omz] is a pet name, so that’s the idea behind the naming of the blog. I watched with great anticipation as we launched on Sunday 3rd February 2013. We didn't really know what to expect, its a big world out there even though the internet brings us all closer virtually. Blogging is not as big in Barbados as it is in other parts of the world, neither is the thought of a hair journey, as we tend to be very relaxed here and would often just prefer to pay someone to get the hair relaxed or treated for an outing and schedule a next one. I guess our excuse is that we go to the hair salon to air out any "dirty linen,” girl talk, man bash abit, talk about the kids, new relationship and any other major issues that may have developed since the last visit or timely updates to previous ones . Us guys go to the barber shop to have our guy time as well and that we have  

We launched and thought we were well received all over the world (based on charts for visitor stats), even though it probably took 3 weeks or so to receive our first comment, and boy were we excited  then the hard work started. Maintaining a blog is not easy as many of you can attest. Long hours of research to keep what you do on trend: trying new techniques, discoveries you may stumble upon by trial and error (products & process), successes and setbacks then writing or vlogging about it to communicate to others of your findings, failures, victories. I have seen Tomi at all of these stages. As she would have mentioned I would often go to her home and she would be on YouTube and scanning the internet for all sorts. She found a balance all on her own of spending quality time with me, while juggling the maintenance of the blog and post which is important in any venture. I became a valued resource to her when I visited her home, as I would be taking photos, shooting and editing the videos, holding her products as she applied them, even trimming her hair - BUT after much hesitation on my part...she simply assured me that she trusted me to do it, even though I am not a hair stylist of any sort, luckily I did it right *whew*

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She could talk for hours about hair and what she would be doing next, wash day this, product line that, and I often told her "you have alot of female friends that you can talk this talk with"...then I told her ok fine, I will give you 5 mins per day to cram all your personal hair talk into, and she often went over, as I would indulge some days more than others, but she really did make that 5 mins work, as she would cover so many areas in that time. I wasn't on a journey but I might as well have been on one, as I knew all the jargon, the process, so I communicate with her on that level, so I didn't just say "right that's your 5 mins up, lets move on," I engaged her on the topics discussed and questioned if there were other ways around things. I admire her for her effort, patience and discipline, she puts a lot into Tomes Edition, she works really hard and appreciates the simplest of things (comments, likes, suggestions) from you fellow bloggers and extended virtual friends give her. Tomi gets stuck into whatever she is doing and its very creative in how she expresses herself, she is a planner, likes and appreciates quality stuff and puts deep thought into all that she does. I have seen it throughout our relationship and even more so now during our engagement as we plan our wedding and martial bliss together. God is at the center of what she does, so there is no doubt where her inspiration, vision, strength, endurance's comes from when there are setbacks or disappointments. 

The process washday & pre-vlogging
Blogging and Vlogging is an extension of her personality, we would be out and about shopping, fine dining, casual date nights and guess what would come up, YUP, you guessed it, the hair journey, lol. I bring it up often as well to be fair, so its great that we have something else that we connect with. I would often ask her about the next post, or if I saw something online or in store, I would asked if she saw it, and she may have heard about it and could give details or she would research it and maybe blog about it. Sometimes as well, we maybe walking along and I would see someone and ask Tomi, "is that her real hair?" She may say “no" after closer inspection or “yes" straight off as she has an eye for detail. I often tease her as well and say "all these blogs and women you are looking at with long hair have on some good weave and only pull the hair apart on the other side of the weave track." So I am not often convinced, but she said she will prove me wrong and that her hair will be long to, and she has been making good progress so far [SL to APL]. Her friends would sometimes ask for advice about hair maintenance or any issues and tease her as well. We (family & friends) all support her along the journey which is important to her, gives her a peace, and spurs her on

Us guys aren’t always interested in the process you ladies take to look all “fabulous” as Tomi would say but we appreciate the hard work and the effort you put in to present us with the finish look, even if we had to wait 20-30 mins more than we expected, therefore making us late for where ever we are going. Tomi has always maintained her hair well, but I am not one of those guys who would say they like long hair and she started this process to please me for that preference, I am quite the opposite. Whether you wear you hair: long, short or even “picky,” relaxed, natural, locks...once its styled properly and not "ratchet" (unkempt), i’m happy... “I am not my hair” - India Arie, is so very true, so maintain it well ladies, respect yourself. A woman’s pride is her hair, so let it be that way. Don’t get me started on the colors and streaking or ridiculous weaves I see out there.

Tomi & I have such an understanding - we are a team, and communicate about the simplest of things no matter how silly they may sound and trust me Tomes Edition has brought up a lot of such. Long may Tomes Edition continue to develop and be relevant to the trends of a ever changing world, cheers to you bloggers, readers, followers you have become like family to us, we appreciate your questions, comments, feedback, suggestions, support and love shown in only our first year and as we continue along this journey. We wouldn't have gotten this far without you so, THANK YOU ALL... 


  1. Great support system. Congrats on your blog anniversary. I just recently found this site and I love it.

  2. It is so wonderful when you have a support system like yours, once again congrats on the engagement! :)

  3. CONGRATS on your journey.......I hope u guys continue to support each other in future endeavours......CHEERS!!

  4. You two look so cute together! Always refreshing to see a man who is a great support system for his leading lady when it comes to hair related stuff.

    1. Awwww thank you so much Lydz, we really appreciate it.

  5. Congrats! Loving the support he gives you and I always enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work guys :)

  6. I loved reading this and love that he wrote a post on your blog! Amazing post too ... awesome to see the huge support system you have!

  7. Aww....great post. the supposrt is amazing! Wish you all the best in your life together!

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I wish you & your fiance all the best in your bright future ahead.

  8. aaaawwww Tomi, "what God has joined together, let no man put asunder". just from corresponding with u, I sensed that you are a very special human being. you deserve the lovely man in your life, and I wish the both of you continued success in your love, life, and endeavors. happy b'day Tomes edition. God bless

    1. Awwww thats so sweet of you Stoney, we both really appreciate it.

  9. Awww, how did I miss this post. This is so sweet of your fiance. You guys are truly a great team, keep up the good work ;).

    I need my hubby to read this, he always thinks I am annoying him when I ask him to take pics of my hair :)

    1. Thanks Pegster, i'm sure he will come around.

  10. Hi Tomes, loved Kevin's thoughts. You both have a good thing working together, cherish and nourish it make it last.


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