
April 30, 2014

Wash Day: Flexi-Rods @ 14 Weeks Post…

I can’t believe how time flies that I’m already 14weeks post, which means 4 more weeks to go before I self relax again.  There is a popular show been held every year in Barbados for the Reggae festival but I decided to attend Reggae on the hill for the first time even though it has been happening for the last 10years. I am a Jahcure fan and since the line up for the show looked promising and Jahcure was performing I decided to go. Here how I planned to wear my hair for this event which I will rock for the balance of the week:
Why does my hair look natural - Flexi-Rods 

April 28, 2014

The Story: How I Started My Healthy Hair Journey…

I just realized I never formally shared my hair story with you guys to let you know how my healthy hair journey began.
I have always had thick hair as a child and my mom relaxed my hair for my 10th Birthday party [no pics sorry] and I can't remember the length, I just knew it was long but I don't think as long as APL but I could be wrong. I changed my hairdresser because it was convenient for me, but eventually it was detrimental to my hair as I spent my early teenage years with her. My hairdresser always hot curled my hair and always gave me a cut instead of a trim, but what has me upset is how she used to trim/ cut my hair after every relaxer. She would just part a piece of my hair, clip another piece, and then clip so in effect none of my hair was the same length and couldn't fit into a ponytail anymore. I remember one year I was travelling to Trinidad with the cadets for a camp and I got my hair relaxed just before I left to avoid stress with my hair. Boy was that a bad decision, I literally had to put water in my hair to drag it into one .

My mom then became my hairdresser and since she didn't know much about hair my hair was always over-process, dry and damaged [thank goodness for knowledge now] At the age of 18, I decided it’s time to find a real hairdresser to take care of my hair so I went to this hairdresser and I loved how my hair looked.  I went back in two weeks to get a treatment done and all she wanted to do was a treatment, blow dry, and put my hair in one. That didn't go down very well with me because I wanted her to re-invent the previous hairstyle she did on me and she said to me "that would take up too much time and plus I have other clients to do," like seriously am I not a paying customer, let’s just say I never went back to her ever again. Here are some pictures to show my damaged hair over the years.
My hair prior to my Healthy Hair Journey

April 25, 2014

NEW VIDEO: Best Moisturizing Products for Relaxed Hair…

I have been on my hair journey for almost two years and here are a few products that my hair absolutely loves  and I would definitely recommend in the video below.

Hope you enjoyed the video.

What are your favorite moisturizing products?

Be Inspired…

April 22, 2014

How & What You Need To Start A Healthy Hair Journey...

I have been getting a lot of questions about how to care for relaxed hair, I don’t claim to be a specialist nor am I a license stylist, however I can share with you what I have learned so far and what has worked and not worked for me. The word ‘journey’ could be intimidating to some people as they may believe it will take FOREVER to reach to their goals. Therefore some of you may not want to be on a hardcore hair journey and thus, just want to practice healthy hair practices for many reasons such as: Bra Strap Length hair may be overwhelming to take care of and you may love rocking your hair in a bob but prefer your hair to be thick and luxurious so you don’t need to include weave tracks to add volume to your hair. Therefore you prefer healthy hair over length and that’s fine. For those of you who want to start a healthy hair journey, let’s go on this journey together to grow our hair to its healthiest state whilst gaining lengths beyond our imaginations.

The basic things you will need to purchase to start a healthy hair journey are:

Here a few things I suggest before you start a Healthy Hair Journey:

April 17, 2014

Technique Thursday | Basics of Bunning...

It’s no secret that I opt to do buns first before any other protective style especially for work.  They are so neat and classy. They can be worn on almost all angles of your head. You can have a side bun, middle bun, high bun, low bun and the list goes on with how creative you can get. Feel free to add a side twist or braid to add some character to your face.

If you haven’t seen it yet check out how I do my buns below:

All of my buns aren’t always neat but they don’t have to be perfect. You will be surprise how well a style might turn out when its alil messy.

April 16, 2014

Simple Wash Day…

[1]   Scalp massage with Extra Virgin Olive Oil with (warmed) for 4mins. Applied EVOO to
       the rest my hair for 30mins with heat.

[2]   I let my hair cool for 3mins and applied this mixture seen above on top of the oil applied.            My aim was to have a balanced deep conditioner as oppose to just moisture or protein.              Went under my heat cap for 45mins.  I hair felt so moisturized but yet strong which was 
       the effect I was going for.

[3]   Wrapped my hair in a T-shirt for 1hour to dry. Once my hair was 80% dry I sprayed all of 
       my roots with Mane n Tail detangler. Then applied my leave in conditioner of Aussie Moist 

April 13, 2014

MAC So Chaud Lipstick…

Although I love my pink, purple and red lipsticks, orange is another colour I needed in my collection.  It’s important to find the right shade to compliment your complexion because orange is such a bold and sometimes scary colour to pull off.
Mac So Chaud Lipstick

April 10, 2014

French Braid Wash Day…

[1]   Scalp massage with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (warmed) for 4 mins. Applied EVCO all
       over my hair and sat under my heat cap for 35mins. Have you noticed I have been doing
       scalp massages weekly?
[2]   Deep Conditioned on dry hair with my Queen Helene Cholesterol mixture warmed for 
       40 mins under my heat cap on top of the oil.
[3]   Rinsed and applied Aphogee 2 mins Reconstructor for 5 mins without heat and rinsed.
My hair is in  French Braid
[4]   Wrapped my hair in a T-shirt for 1 hour and a half while I caught up on the last 2 episodes

April 08, 2014

My Hair Curl Pattern…

Different Hair Types
I am currently 11 weeks post relaxer and having left some texture on the top half of my hair, I can see my true hair texture.  Its extremely tight coiled which makes some pretty waves once slicked down with some gel. I’ll say 4A, Take a look and tell me what you think:

My hair type looks like 4a
What texture type is your hair?

Be Inspired…

April 03, 2014

Wash Day @ 10Weeks Post…

I co-washed my hair mid week last week focusing mainly on moisture and my hair ended up in a loose braid out .

This weekend I'll focus on strength by adding protein.

[1]   Scalp massage with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (warmed) for 4 mins. Applied EVOO to the last
       3 inches of my hair.
[2]   Deep Conditioned on dry hair with a mixture of Crème of Nature Intense Conditioning 
       Treatment, 1 tea spoon of ORS Mayonnaise, 1 tea spoon of honey, 1 tea spoon of KeraPro
       Restorative Conditioning Treatment, under my heat cap for 45mins. While rinsing my

April 01, 2014

Wash Day Adjustments…

If you have been reading my recent wash day posts, you would have noticed I have been skipping getting in and out the shower twice. I have been experimenting as well as laziness kicked in as well. Take a look at what my regular wash day looks like:

Take a look at the slight changes I have made so far:

Method 1
[1]   Detangle my hairScalp massage for 5mins with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
[2]   Deep condition on dry hair with a moisturizing or a mixture of both Moisture & 
       Protein conditioner for 30-45mins with heat