
July 15, 2014

Wash Day: Buns And More Buns…

My plan for this wash day is exactly how Kim from Fancy Flair Lady wash day went. I haven’t tried roller setting since I started my healthy hair journey and was all hyped to do one with a saran wrap, so my hair ends up straight. My weekend was free and I went into super woman mode by cleaning, washing, while doing my hair. By the time I was ready to rinse my deep conditioner out I was totally drained and ended up air drying my hair.

[1]   Scalp massage with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil with a couple drops of peppermint oil 
       (warmed) for 3mins.
[2]   Deep Conditioned with Aussie Moist Conditioner with Extra Virgin Coconut oil & Extra 
       Virgin Olive Oil mixed together on the length of my hair for 40mins under my heat cap.

This is where super woman mode stepped in as I washed and cleaned with my DC on my hair. The DC was left on my hair for 3hours.  The elasticity of my strands weren’t that great since I did a strong protein treatment recently but after rinsing out my DC my hair felt extremely moisturized and my elasticity is back. Aussie Moist never disappoints.

[3]   Wrapped my hair in a T-shirt for 1 hour. Applied my leave in conditioner’s of Aussie Moist 
        Conditioner, Herbal Essences Split End Protector and sealed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. 
[4]   The following day I applied Jamaican Black Castor oil on my scalp. Moisturized with 
        Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter and sealed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

I pulled my hair into a High Bun for church but realized my head looked bigger as seen below *screams*. Why do I look upset in this pic below, I promise i wasn't upset at all. 
High Bun 
I immediately went for my signature style bun of placing it in the middle. I tied my hair down for 30mins while I got ready and headed out to church.

Do you have a wash day experience to share with us, head over to Savingourstrands & Justgrowalready to share with us.

How was your last wash day?

Be inspired...


  1. Your buns are getting fuller! Isn't that the best feeling ever?!

  2. Both buns are nice dear, your head does not look big in the first one, I can assure you.

  3. Super woman mood, oh how I wish I had the energy to clean! Your hair looks great! Signature bun! Aussie conditioners, you've got to love them the moisture!

  4. Those buns are thickening out each and every time. Yay!!! Looking great babe.

  5. Thanks ladies, I'm loving my buns as well.

  6. You betta work that bun honey!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands


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