
July 22, 2014

Wash Day: Flexi- Rods @ 8 Weeks Post…

Do you remember my dilemma from my last wash day, well, this week I was determined to make sure my hair end up in some form of curls. The easiest way to achieve this with minimal effort was flexi-rods.

[1]   Scalp massage with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil with a couple drops of peppermint oil 
       (warmed) for 2mins.
[2]   Deep Conditioned with Aussie Moist Conditioner with extra Virgin Coconut oil &
       Extra Virgin Olive Oil mixed together on the length of my hair for 1 hour under my
       heat cap and rinsed
 [3]   Shampooed with ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo, since my hair felt heavy during last week.
        As usual my hair was cleaned but not stripped of all its moisture *win win*
[4]   Wrapped my hair in a T-shirt for 45mins. Applied my leave in conditioner’s of Aussie 
        Moist Conditioner, Herbal Essences Split End Protector and Anti breakage coconut serum.

I used my blue and grey rods for this flexi-rod set. I used a total of 10 flexi rods to achieve this look. I think I prefer this method to rod my hair as oppose to the spiral motion which is very uncomfortable to sleep in. I just wanted curls on my ends.

The following day I applied Extra Virgin Olive Oil to separate the curls. I’m happy the curls turned out the way they did because majority of my hair was air-dried and I just re-wet the last 2 inches or my hair before I rolled my hair unto the rollers.

My hair felt great to be young, tamed and free without the hassle of pulling here or braided there.  I’m not the type of person to let a hairstyle stop me from sleeping and to be honest I just wanted curls for church on Sunday. I didn't take care of them like I would normally do. My ends started to feel dry on Monday so I Moisturized with Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter and sealed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil on Tuesday morning. Most of the curls had fallen so I dragged my hair into a low bun for the rest of the week.

Do you have a wash day experience to share with us, head over to Savingourstrands & Justgrowalready to join the link up. See you there!

Have you tried Flexi-Rods?

Be inspired 


  1. Beautiful curls, I love the shine. I still can't use flexi rods x

  2. Love the curls, I love my flexi-rods!

  3. Lovely! It must have been the week for flexis - everyone's looks great!

  4. You are so good at maintaining your curls. I love them.

  5. I love the way that you only used a few rods to get these voluminous curls!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  6. Thank you ladies, really appreciate it!

  7. I love the method you used and your curls came out great!!

  8. look great. The curls are springy and gorgeous.

  9. I seriously need to buy the rods and do this to my hair. Love it when you do it!


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