
February 26, 2015

Co-Wash Day With Flexi-Rods…

I totally slacked on stretching my new growth last week and I paid for it dearly. The amount of single strands knots were unbelievable. From this moment till touch up day, I will not be 
making that mistake again sigh. Looks like flexirods is going to be my staple for the next couple of  wash days unless I whip out my curlformers.
First day of my Flexi Rods 

February 20, 2015

Tomes Edition Turns Two Yrs...

I published my first post on February 3, 2013 and I can’t believe how fast the 2nd year has flown.  Waving a big hello to all of my new readers, I hope the information i'm providing to you has been beneficial to you some way. To all my loyal readers, I can't express how grateful I am for the support you have given me throughout the years. Big hugs to all of you.

Blogging isn't an easy task because it takes a lot of commitment, research and dedication, sometimes I find myself overwhelmed but you guys keep me focused and I’m glad I started my blog and proud to be called a blogger.

In my second year of blogging i became more personal and introduce some aspects of my life with you. Based on the responses, my readers seem to like that aspect of my blog now. Ultimately I want to be much more flexible by providing you with my healthy hair tips, my fashion sense, my makeup application (I've been slacking on these two) and my personal life. I absolutely love reading life and relationship blogs. I have a weakness for a beautiful love story.

Tomes Edition is 2 years Old 
Cheers to another wonderful year ahead. Thank you for your continual support and I wish everyone a blessed 2015. PS - If there is anything you want me to address, mention it below in the comments.

February 11, 2015

Wash Day Coffee Rinse & Bantu Knot Out…

I’m currently 8 weeks post relaxer and to avoid battling with single strand knots (ssk), I’ve been experimenting with hairstyles to stretch out my new growth. I honestly wanted to skip preppoing and just jump into the shower once but I remembered my shedding is still not under control. Here is how my wash day went:
Take down from Bantu Knot-Out hair style

February 09, 2015

My Hair Styles Recently…

My goal for the last couple of weeks was to stretch my new growth when styling my hair each week. I have been trying various styles that I haven’t done in forever.
Firstly take a look at my flexi-rod set on day 1 and 2.
Flexi-rods on Day 1 & 2