
July 17, 2015

I Love My Bright Colored Hair…

didn't realize how bright my hair was until I looked into the mirror a couple days after my relaxer. The sunlight was so bright shining on my hair and I couldn't help but take a couple pictures of it.
My Relaxed Hair 
The only brand hair color I have used so far has been Kiss Express Color  . Based on their website Kiss Express Color is Relaxer safe, Generally last 6-12 shampoos, Excellent Gray Covers, Heat-Resistant Protein, pH Balanced, Contains a variety of Natural Fruit and Herb Extract.
My Relaxed Colored Hair
If you haven’t read it yet, feel free to check out my post on how I maintained my colored relaxed hair here.  I absolutely love this color. Its safe enough for the corporate world and fun enough for various everyday life outings. Changing your hair color definitely gives your hair and face a vibrant boost. Don’t forget to increase your moisture game if you decide to dye your hair. Read about the pro's and con's of dying your hair here .

What shade would you dye your hair?

Be inspired…


  1. It looks beautiful, Tomi!! Happy weekend, love!!

  2. The color looks great! I love read hair. Another great brand is Adore in Crimson.

  3. Loving the colour Tomes! Your hair is definitely blowing in the wind!

  4. The color fits you so well, i love it.

  5. I love it. I've always wanted to be a redhead at some point in my life. I've never used that brand of color. Will have to check it out. I'm guessing it's a rinse?


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