
October 15, 2015

Wash Day: Relaxer Preparations…

I’m so over this stretch right now. It has been one of my best stretches for growth but also one of my worst for shedding and tangles. I can’t remember when last a comb touched my head because I have been using my fingers very thoroughly.  I’m extremely nervous about how my ends are and know I need to trim alittle but I’m not scared about the trimming, just the thinning. I will confess that my regimen hasn't been consistent during the last 16 weeks and the only person to blame is myself.  I take full responsibility with my relaxer results which will be up next week.
Can you see my new growth (black) compared to my colored relaxed hair
[1]   Finger detangled after applying Mane n Tail detangler to my roots.
[2]   Shampooed with Garnier Fructis Damage Eraser Fortifying Shampoo (remove build up) 
       *new product alert*
[3]   Deep Conditioned with a concoction since I could find my all time favorite of Aphogee. 
       I mixed ORS Replenishing Conditioner with Mayonnaise (from my fridge) to increase the
       protein levels. I added some Extra Virgin Olive oil & Coconut oil. I sat under my 
       hooded dryer for 30mins. My hair was stronger and extremely moisturized.
[4]   Rinsed and wrap my hair in a t-shirt for 15mins.
[5]   With my hair in 4 sections applied Aussie Moist Conditioner, Elasta QP Leave in In H2O 
       and sealed with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and detangled very carefully.
[6]   Air-dry and applied Jamaican Black castor oil on my scalp.
Loose bun until relaxer day. Look at those knots lol
[7]  I’ll rock a very loose bun until relaxer day.
I’m relaxing my hair at 16 weeks post and I’m seriously praying for a great outcome. Do you see all of those knots at the back of my hair, its crazy. Can you clearly see my new growth compared to my colored hair?
90% Air drying
Do you have a wash day experience to share with us, head over to Savingourstrands & Justgrowalready to join the link up. See you there!

How do you prep your hair for relaxer day?


  1. We are all a little guilty of not keeping up with our healthy hair practices sometimes. I'm sure you have incurred as much damage as you think. Looking forward to your relaxer results. I'm sure it's going to be amazing!!!

  2. I agree with Andrea, life just takes over, it's hard to be diligent all the time. Your new growth 16 weeks growth is crazy! Can't wait to see your results!!!

  3. It's understandable sometimes other commitments require some priority as well, I am sure your relaxer results would be great!

  4. Sorry to hear about your stressful wash day. But hopefully the thorough preparation you did will help. I see a great relaxer day results in your future. :)

  5. I think you will have a great relaxer day. Have you seen the thickness of your hair it's amazing. Looking forward to the results.

  6. Looking forward to your relaxer results hope it goes well! You have lots of growth, the difference in colour of your hair really helps to distinguish your new growth

  7. Sending good and positive vibes for a stress free relaxer touch with awesome results!! What did you use to remove the knots?

    Jay of

  8. Your new growth is popping, Tomes! I pray that you get a great outcome with the touch-up!

  9. Since you had a successful wash Day, I'm sure your hair is in top shape for the relaxer.

  10. Life gets in the way at times, I can attest to that, looking forward to seeing your results :)

  11. I hear you! Stretching is no joke! Thank god for buns they keep me going as well until i touch up or braid yet to decide

  12. Thanks ladies. I'm so happy to be supported by such amazing women.

    @Jay I just use my hand to seperate very gently but sometime i grab my detangler first.

  13. You have a lot of new growth! It looks like your wash day was a success! Life can definitely make it hard to have consistency with our regimens at times. Hopefully your touch-up will be a success!

  14. WOW! Look at all of that growth! Can wait to see your results chica!

    KLP @

  15. Thanks ladies, life definitely does that.

  16. Ahhh Tomes, your hair is looking fabulous. I can't wait to see your final relaxer results


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