
November 12, 2015

Relaxer Day Length Check…

Length checks are one of the most anticipated blog-post a person looks forward too after stretching their relaxer. If you haven’t seen my relaxer results go on and check it out here.  It’s no secret that my last relaxer stretch wasn't as smooth as I would have liked, but I take full responsibility and will share my experience with you soon.
Relaxer Results: Length Check
I did trim ¼ inch and I see more thin ends to trim. I’m actually embarrassed at my ends giving I had a major cut in March by my stylist and I was so proud of my hempline.  I hardly wear my hair down so my hubby said not to stress since I would be seeing them.
Relaxer Results: Airdrying
I also mentioned how I added extra virgin coconut oil on my hair twice which led to limp flat ironed hair.  My strands stuck together and made my ends look worse.  I intend to take care of my ends and trim away as I see fit.
Relaxer Results: Length Check
Some of my ends are touching my bra but I don’t think I can claim FULL Bra strap length, just partial *ok don’t judge me*. I went from fabulous ends in March to Meh ends in 6 months. It just shows the importance of taking care of your hair on a consistent basis and consequences of neglect.  Please make sure you don't forget about your crown.
Relaxer Results: Ponytail Length Check
On another positive note my ponytail after my roots being blow dried is full of volume and hang time.  I love my airdried hair and I only flatiron to see if I made any progress from stretching my relaxer but I prefer my big hair.  I’m sure all of you can identify and look forward to your first wash day post relaxer to see you hair full of volume again.

Overall I've returned to my usual regimen and can’t wait to share the rewards with you at my next touchup.

When was your last trim/cut?


  1. Can I claim BSL for you? :-) I think you'll get your ends back in shape in no time. I dusted my ends last week. My ends are all over the place and I'm trying to get them back together.

  2. Just a small trim should do. I love your ponytail.

  3. The thing I like most about your hair is that it's full thickness up until the last few inches. That shows how much consistent work you've put in. Even if you're not satisfied with your ends, it's likely only a matter of half a year until you have great ends again with a few trims.

  4. Your hair looks fabulous, your thicknest is on point. Trimming as you see fit is a good plan going forward.

  5. Hey T! Your hair looks great and a simple trim will you get back in the game so do no feel defeated. I agree with your husband in that your hair will be put away, thus you won't miss it. Before you know it, you're ends will be back thick how you like them.

    Jay of

  6. Your ponytail looks awesome! You've got some serious length.

  7. Your hair has really grown Tomes, you should be so proud of what you have accomplished. Well done, please check out my blog I have a new travel post up, xx

  8. Your hair looks fab hun and those ends nothing a good trim or dusting cannot solve I wouldn't worry too mch over them.

  9. Your hair looks great and your ends are not too bad. Trimming as you see fit sounds like a good plan. You'll be back to a bomb hemline in no time! ;)

  10. I see BSL in no time. Get rid of the dead ends, girl! You've been doing so good.

  11. Your hair is growing so much, Tomes! Don't let the small stuff block you from see the progress you've made. Keep up the good work. :)


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