
December 30, 2015

I’ve Moved | From Island life To Big City Life…

I've been living in Barbados for more than half of my life and now I reside in Canada.  Even though according to my hubby Barbados will always be home and it meant leaving our family and friends, Canada proved to have more opportunities to fit our lifestyle.  Just to give you some background information, I’m Canadian and my husband is Barbadian and we both went to school together but never spoke a word to each other. We dated for 5 years and we are currently 1 year happily married but have known of each other for 7years prior to dating.
Beach Day At Miami Beach

Why Did We Move?
There is always a challenge where you want to place your roots and where you possibly want to start a family and opportunities for future generations and this is exactly why we are living in a big city.  I’m Canadian and I want to raise my family in Canada, no offense to any Barbadians but its my preference and my husband is fine with that decision too.  My husband studied and worked in London for 6 years, so big city life is not new to him and it gave him the exposure to the possibility of creating a life outside of Barbados. Why not London you may ask? My husband loves London for the university education which is one of the most recognized in the world and the affordability of the food but the housing and schooling wasn't attractive hence the reason London was crossed off his list. 

You must think we are crazy because most people move from big cities to island life or smaller city and we have done the complete opposite.  Will I miss Sun, Sea and Sand? Well, I hardly visited the beach, so I may or may not miss that aspect.  I know it may sound strange but if you ask any other person living on an island how often they went to the beach, you would probably get the same response.  Actually that’s the exact reaction we get when anyone asks us where we are from.  Their second reaction is “Is this your first winter here” and of course everyone has a story about the worst winter they have experienced here.  The best way to handle winter is layering up and that’s exactly how we plan to tackle this season.

I know you must be thinking it so I’ll answer your curiosity.  Was I selfish to move my family to Canada and my husband leaving his family behind? Will my husband regret his decision because his family is in Barbados.  Guess what! We did our research and talked many nights about making one of the biggest moves in our life and together WE decided  it was the best move for us and our future generations to come.  The one thing we always do, is to have a heart to heart conversations, where we share everything under the moon. 

What does Big City Life Offer?
As the name suggest everything is bigger literally. Looking for a small can of baked beans, only large cans can be found.  Variety for food, clothing, & fun activities are endless and the price tag is very affordable. Employment and entrepreneur possibilities are limitless but you need to grab the opportunity quickly.
Friends Turned Into Family
I reached out to as many people as possible before I left Barbados and showed my appreciation for having them in my life since I can’t physically see them daily anymore. To my family and friends thank you for supporting our decision and cheering us on, we both thoroughly appreciate everything you have done for us. Everyone isn't pictured but you know exactly who you are. So I gave up Sun, Sand & Sea for the Big City Life.

A heartfelt thank you to all of my reader's and I look forward to your continual support for an amazing 2016 ahead.

If you could migrate, where would you live?


  1. This is so exciting, congrats! It isn't easy moving and leaving family and friends behind but it def. gets easier! Looking forward to reading about your new adventure in 2016!

    1. Thanks Faith, I know you can speak from experience

  2. That is so wonderful and exciting. Changes can be a great thing! Looking forward to hearing about your new Canadian life:-)

  3. All the best Tomi. Happy new year

  4. Wow Congratulations and enjoy. I made a move from the Bahamas to Miami in 2010. I love the big city better than island ��

    1. Thanks Tyiece. I think i can say the same so far as well.

  5. All the best Hun and Happy New year to you and your family.

    1. Thanks Joy! Blessings to your family for 2016.

  6. what city do you move in?

  7. I love that you both decided to make the big move. I'm sure you both will enjoy all the new adventures that will come with diving into your new city. Thanks for sharing (and I'd love to hear more)!

  8. Girl, as long as you share your new journey with us, I'm okay with the move. LOL! I seriously love what you guys have together and would love to see more of it!!.HAPPY NEW YEAR, TOMI!!LOVE YA!

    1. Love you Nerline! Happy New Year and blessings for 2016.

  9. Tomes how exciting! Good for you and your husband and I wish you all the best and success in your new home. Happy New Year xx

    1. Thanks Deonne! Blessing to your family for 2016.

  10. Wow Tomes, what a huge move. I think it's amazing that you and your hubby made whatever decision is best for your family. Plus it's not like moving away means you are not going to visit. Plus I am sure his family will love to visit you guys too.

    Canada is cold tho :) but you already know that. I think I would totally have island fever if I lived on an island forever and I totally believe you on the not going to the beach everyday.

    Congrats on this new adventure, you don't have to justify your choices just embrace it and share the journey with us :)

    1. Thanks Pegster! It is cold but bearable. Blessing to your family for 2016.

  11. Great to read up your thought process on your blog. I also moved and it's a lot to do with opportunities as you mentioned in your post. You both look so lovely in the photos! X

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Blessings to your family for 2016.

  12. I am very sure the big city life will be awesome for you and your family.
    I feel like your husband and yourself made a great decision. I am not married yet but, the reasons for your move are the same things I would want for my children and family in the future.

    I saw that you were nominated for the liebster award by chicfromhair2toe so, I had to stop by. You have a lovely blog here!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Funmi! Blessings to your family for 2016

  13. Congratulations on your move Tomi! I hope it's not too cold yet :-)

  14. Wow! Congrats. Ok, I will be honest. I thought you were Barbadian. Silly me. Congrats on the move!

    Jay of

    1. Lol same here though I remember she once said she was Canadian by birth so i just assumed Barbados was where her parents came from lol. As a city raised girl I welcome your move to the city:) I love smaller towns cities etc but not for too long a week and I am craving the big city life hahaha.

  15. Congrats!!
    I would love to make a big move too

  16. Congratulations on your big move! I'm wishing you both the best and a very blessed 2016!!!If I could move anywhere, I think it would be Arizona. I have always wanted to live there and experience the area.


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