
October 31, 2016

Why I love Autumn Season…

It was September 1st and we woke up to 3 degrees after experiencing 20 degrees the previous day. Boy, did it feel cold that morning. A couple of days later, all the leaves had turned colors and in no time and the leaves started to fall off.  Its amazing how a few days changed our entire city.

Autumn/Fall is my favorite season for now.  I could live with 15-18 degrees daily but with Sun all year round. It’s the perfect combination for some vitamin D and feeling cool.  No one likes to be sweaty and sticky or freezing their butt off daily.

Autumn/Fall season produces variations of beautiful colors.  I love seeing all the maroon, yellow, orange, red and brown colors.  The background produces beautiful rustic pictures which most people take their Christmas card photos around this time.

This is the season for gorgeous knee boots, scarfs and hats.  This translates to my healthy hair journey as I need to increase my moisture in my regimen to avoid dry brittle hair.

Right now there are no more pretty leaves to stare but bare dry, lonely trees. I really do miss Autumn/fall weather. We have been experiencing sub 10 degrees weather most days. Most morning begin at -2 and go up to 5-9 degrees.  I’m nervous about this winter season ahead.

What’s your favorite season?


  1. Fall is my favorite too! We still have leaves on our trees but they are falling off now. Beautiful images! Have a great week.

    1. Oh how i wish our trees were still beautiful. Learning from you faith!

  2. I love all the pretty trees, my fave season is definitely spring because everything begins to bloom and I adore the smell of spring.

    1. Spring is way too wet for me but i agree the trees start blooming is gorgeous. Love the greenery.

  3. I cannot even imagine this -2 and 15-20 degree business! I'm sure the sun helps immensely in temps that low. I am finally wearing tall boots today, although it is supposed to warm up again by tomorrow so even though I love warm weather I have to admit I love the fashion.

    1. Yup its cute high boot season but its way too cold for that. Sun is amazeballs with low temperatures.

  4. Fall is my favorite too. I feel fortunate to live where we have trees. We did not have a lot when I lived in NY. You look cute, Tomes! I see the hair is growing back.

  5. Summer is totally my favorite, I love being hot hot and hot but I must say Fall is a close second :)

  6. Hi! I already commented on this but wanted to respond to your comment on my blog :) I use a Canon 6D. It's new and I'm still learning it but I love it so far! I use to use a Canon T3i and it was a great camera too! Learned a lot while using it.


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