
September 01, 2013

Happy Birthday To ALL September Borns

I guess it’s no secret that my birthday is in September based on the title lol.  I just want to take the time out to wish everyone who’s celebrating their birthday this month, to have a wonderful day and fabulous year filled with sunshine, smiles, laughter, love and memories of a lifetime.  May God continue to bless and protect you as your days go by, make each day count.

          “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate”
My birthday is September 16thSmiley Birthday Jack in the Box JIB photo bdaysmilies5.gifand I’m inviting other September borns to drop their dates in the comment section below so we can all share the same cake in the pic below. I’ll be updating the blog by adding your blog link below so we can all celebrate together.

::Tomes Edition – September 16th
::Bebe @ Hairausforderung  September 25th 
::V. Shireen @ Persian Named Girl  September 1st 
::Age @ Loving My Hair  September 2nd 
::Lydz @ Crowning Glory  September 24th 
::Naacutie Mimi  September 16th

Be Inspired…


  1. mine is on the 25.09
    I'll turn 24

  2. I'm a november baby lol but i have alot of good friends who's birthday is in the month of September. Wishing them a happy birthday month

  3. Today is my birthday! I barely made it lol. I'm 26 years old now.

    1. Happy birthday V!!
      September babies ROCK!
      Mine is September 2nd!

    2. I hope you had a fantastic day Shireen.
      Happy Birthday Age, have a fabulous day!

  4. Happy birthday September borns!
    I'm right behind you in October! :)

  5. Yay September babies! Mine is on the 24th @V.Shireen Happy birthday girl may you have plenty more!!!

  6. we share the same date, mine is also on the 16th of Sept, wow!

    1. That's soooooo AWESOME! September is such a wonderful month. Happy Birthday in advance twin!


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