
January 30, 2014

Product Review: Crème of Nature Intensive Conditioning Treatment...

Creme of Nature Intensive Conditioning Treatment

::Price:: 12oz - $12.99BDS (Purchased at Mall Mart)
                        $7.60US (Also available on Amazon)

January 28, 2014

NEW VIDEO: Relaxer Results from January 2014...

I can finally show you the results of my relaxer done as a DIY girl @ 18weeks post relaxer. Watch how thick my hair has gotten and flowy.

Hope you enjoyed the video.

Be Inspired…

January 21, 2014

Relaxer Day Results…

I relaxed my hair myself at 18 weeks post relaxer and it was a lot tedious than I imagined.  I’m officially a DIY relaxer girl *throws confetti*. The night before my relaxer I put my hair in four sections and sprayed my new growth with Mane n Tail detangler and combed with my wide width comb followed by a smaller teeth comb to get all the tangles or knots out. I did this because I wanted to be able to part through my hair while applying the relaxer to my new growth only. I applied Vaseline on my scalp, tied down my hair and went to sleep.  I was hoping for some texture and not bone straight results.

Please click on image to enlarge
On the morning of my relaxer I applied Extra Virgin Olive Oil on my strands, then Roux 

January 14, 2014

How To | Prep Your Hair For & On Relaxer Day…

Instead boring you with my relaxer day prep wash day, I decided to share my routine for future purposes and for anyone who wants to start a healthy hair journey.  This is a guide line that I use for my preparation prior and on the day itself. I’m venturing into being a DIY girl and although its nerve racking I’m up for the challenge this weekend @ 18weeks post relaxer.

How I prepare for relaxer day the week before:
Please click on image to enlarge
How I prepare on relaxer day:

January 06, 2014

Wash Day @ 16 Weeks Post…

I looked at my current stat on the left hand side of the screen and realized I was due for a relaxer on the 4 Jan 2014, which would have been the norm for me to relax at 16weeks post but I didn't do a protein treatment last weekend and truthfully my hair has been cooperating so I’m not in a hurry to relax.  I want to be a DIY girl for my relaxer so I’m trying to build up myself for the task. This is how this wash day went:

Please click on image to enlarge
[1]   Applied warm Extra Virgin Coconut Oil on my scalp and massaged my scalp for 3 mins.
[2]   Prepooed Aussie Moist Conditioner mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Coconut oil 
       with a few drops of peppermint on the length of my hair for 15mins under my heat cap.

January 01, 2014

Wishing Everyone A Happy & Blessed New Year …

2013 went by so quickly and 2014 may do the same but my wish for you is to achieve every goal you have set for yourself and more & success in everything you do, God Bless.

Have a Fantastic 2014 and I look forward to building better relationships with you.

Be Inspired…