
July 01, 2014

Strong Protein Wash Day…

Let me first apologize from disappearing for so long. I was on vacation for two weeks and when I got back I got sick. You really don’t know how good you feel till you’re sick. I’m just glad to be back to 100% and I’m trying to catch up in the blogger sphere.  If you follow me on Instagram you've have seen some of what I did during my vacation. That post will go up soon.

Throughout my vacation, my shedding was just ridiculous and I knew only two things could help, either a protein treatment or to start back tea rinses. Let’s dive into today’s wash day:
My protective style was bunning for this week
[1]    Scalp massage with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil with a couple drops of peppermint oil
       (warmed) for 3mins.
[2]   Prepooed with Aussie Moist Conditioner & Coconut oil on the length of my hair for 
       20mins under my heat cap. While rinsing this out my hair felt verrrrry moisturized and 
       mushy, so my instinct was right as protein was needed that day.
[3]   Shampooed with ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo
[4]   Applied Aphogee 2 step Protein treatment to the four sections of my hair and sat under 
       my hooded dryer for 20mins. By then, my hair was rock solid. DO NOT attempt to comb, 
       brush or touch your hair.  I hopped into the shower and let the water run through my hair 
       before touching my hair to make sure the entire product was out.
[5]   Applied Aphogee balancing Moisturizer for 2 mins and rinsed.
[6]   Deep Conditioned with my Queen Helene mixture for 30mins with heat.
[7]   Rinsed and wrapped my hair in a T-shirt for 1 hour. Applied my leave in conditioner’s
       of Aussie Moist Conditioner, Herbal Essences Split End Protector and sealed with 
       Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Air drying state
The following day I applied Jamaican Black Castor Oil on my scalp. Moisturized with Elasta QP Olive Oil & mango Butter and sealed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

I pulled my hair into a medium high bun and that would be my hair style for this work week. I really love creating buns without filler.

How was your last wash day?
The Wash Day Experience

Be inspired...


  1. Glad you feel better dear, your bun looks really good.

  2. Sorry to hear that you were ill. Looks like you had so much fun on your vacation.

  3. Really nice article! I like how your bun look!

  4. I've got a hard protein treatment on deck for my wash next week! I love that you've gotten to a point in your hhj that you know exactly what your hair needs! Kudos chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  5. I'm scared to try a hard protein treatment. Why use a hard protein versus a light protein?

    1. Thanks ladies for the well wishes

      @ Alx - light protein treatments can be used weekly or bi-weekly. I knew that wasn't enough for my hair and opted to do a hard one. My hair feels so much better right now

  6. Glad you feel better now. You have so much growth for only 5 weeks post #jealous

  7. I love how you timed everything, girl. Your shedding will stop before you know it because this black tea gets things done!

  8. I hope you're still feeling like yourself and the crazy shedding has slowed tremendously. Tea rinses work so well for my shedding.

  9. Looks like you had a great vacay in London town doll. I wonder what had your hair shedding so much. Maybe climate change? I know that you are going to get it back right. Sometimes we have to step away from the virtual world to release, relax and reflect. xoxo

  10. Sorry to hear that you were sick. Can't wait to hear about your vacation.

    My hair is shedding like crazy (post partum hair loss is for the bird). Maybe I'll try some of this,


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