
March 21, 2015

Am I Texlaxed???…

My first self relaxer in December 2012 left me with severe under-processed hair that I opted to get a relaxer by my hairdresser 6 weeks later on February 2013. In 2014, I mastered the courage to attempt self relaxing again and haven't looked back since. I knew for sure I didn't want bone straight hair but not texlaxed hair either because that almost looks natural.  Then I realized there are various types of texlaxed texture, which are tightly coiled or loosen pattern. I chose the loosen pattern. I don’t comb through my relaxer, but smooth it out with my fingers and I also add natural oils to buy me some more time during processing time.
My hair texture after relaxing it
What is Texlaxing?
Texlaxing is purposely under-processing your hair when relaxing your hair with chemicals to retain texture. Your hair isn’t bone straight but it isn’t natural either. You can achieve this by cutting down your relaxer time process or by adding oils or conditioner to your relaxer to weaken it.  By Texlaxing your hair it means you’re getting the best of both worlds which is relaxed hair with abit of texture for added volume. If you want it bone straight you can opt to flat- iron it for that effect. This has been a trial and error for me to see if I like it or can handle the different textures.  I’m happy to report the texture left has significantly increased the thickness of my strands and appearance of my hair #winning
Texlaxed and bone straight hair texture
You can see the areas which are thinner are my bone straight ends. I like the fact I can pull my hair in one and my hair can still be flat, that’s why I prefer the loose curl pattern. Can you see my bone straight hair clumps together where as my texlaxed hair shows volume.
Bone straight and texlaxed hair textures
I will be gradually snipping off my bone straight ends till i'm fully texlaxed
My texlaxed hair texture
I'm Texlaxed y’all. The pro’s and con’s to follow shortly.

Have you of heard of Texlaxing? What are your thoughts on it?

Be inspired...


  1. I am texturized myself but havent been able to maintain my bonestraight ends (it breaks off over time)

    1. I noticed that too in some areas close to my edges. Keep fighting on.

  2. I am texlaxed, I am very happy that I decided to do it from the beginning of my journey, one of the best things I do to my hair

    1. You have gorgeous thick hair. I wasn't sold on it initially.

  3. Beautiful texlax and its consistent!

  4. I have always been for texlaxing, it gives the hair so much volume! All the best of your new texlax journey! :D

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I'm now realizing that lol.

  5. Love the thickness of your texlaxed hair Tomie. I prefer texlaxing now but always hated it initially, my hair is just so much thicker and stronger x

    1. I can totally relate but its growing on me now.

  6. Texlaxing seem to be the new bandwagon :)

    My hair has never come out bone straight when i am relaxing, but i ve always been fine with that. What i dont like is underprocesed hair. i feel that stoppning in the middle of the process leaves the hair undone, the cuiticles not flattened down. And that leaves the hair less shiny and weaker. So i always finish the whole relaxing process and that leaves My hair relaxed, but not bone straight.

    1. Hey Lisa, i totally get you not feeling unprocessed hair and that's how i felt too. My texture is extremely loose which i love and its still looks relaxed.

  7. Good morning Tomes! The last time I tried to relax my hair myself it did not take. Congratulations on a job well done!

    1. Hey Nerline, my first time wasn't impressive either.

  8. truly, textured hair is way stronger than bone straight. been doing so since i started taking care of my hair. unfortunately my latest texlax processed much more than i wished ... ( i haven't tried doing doin myself yet) have to be careful with smoothing and time and my additions to my relaxer...


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