
March 16, 2015

My New Growth @ 12 Weeks Post…

Waving a big hello to you guys. I know I haven’t posted in a little while but I’m working on improving that. I've also been keeping up with all your blogs.

I’ll be honest my stretch wasn't going so well when I was 8 weeks post relaxer. The single strand knots were driving me crazy and I was wondering how I would make it to 16 weeks with this nightmare.

Air drying my hair loosely simply wasn't going to cut it anymore so I decided to try flexi-rods and I must say it made my life a lot easier. My new growth was stretched, the number of single strand knots was reduced, my hair was loose, and so I didn't have to worry about any tension from my hair being pulled in any direction.
New Growth @ 12 Week Post Relaxer

Sadly I’m starting to enjoy this stretch but it’s about to end in two weeks. I’ll be relaxing my hair at 15 ½ weeks post relaxer.  In the picture above I blow dried my hair on cool using the tension method. Forgive my crooked part *hides face*, I laid my edges with the Fruit Of The Earth, AloeVera 100% gel and this was how I wore my hair for the week last week.

Mid-week I took down my hair from the low bun and surprising my hair was still moisturized. I decided to apply Jamaican Black Castor Oil to my scalp and re-bun my hair for the rest of the week. This was one of the best wash days I have had in a long time. It looks like i have 1 to 1&1/4 inches of new growth.

How many weeks post relaxer are you & has your hair being behaving recently?

Be inspired



  1. Hello! No relaxer here, but I am so glad to hear from you. My ends have been knotting too. I hope your relaxer day goes fine. Have a wonderful week.

  2. I'm 11 weeks post, I am hiding my hair under a wig this week, the temptation to cut is too real. I need to dust off my flexi rods it's about time I learn to use them.

    1. Come over and join me in doing flexi-rods sets.

  3. I love your waves, and how behaved your new growth has been, can't wait to see your relaxer results! I have a hump in the middle of my head that won't be tamed by anything except rollers, not even wrapping! I'm also ending my stretch soon (15 weeks) and I can't wait :-)

    1. We will be relaxing around the same time. Can't wait to see your results as well

  4. I don't know how many weeks post I am. But I know that this castor oil I've been putting on my scalp has my new growth around edges are looking so out of control. My next relaxer isn't until next month and it shouldn't be this unruly right now. I may have to try the tension method you mentioned because I can't imagine how it will look in another month from now, lol.

    1. Yeah, thumbs up for JBCO. I know your results will be amazing when the challenge is over

  5. Single strand knots are a killer, I hate them. It's good you're starting to enjoy your stretch now x

    1. They are the worst part about stretching for me.

  6. Those single no strands are the worst! We can definitely see your growth though, good luck on your relaxer day! No matter how many times we do it there's always a little fear behind it but you got this!

    1. Tell me about it Kay. Thanks for the suport

  7. Hi Tomi! That's quite a bit of new growth you've got, can't wait to see your relaxer results! I had my last relaxer on the 8th of November and I'll be ending my stretch in three weeks. I'm pretty excited too!

    1. Hope your relaxer day goes well. Don't forget to share with us.

  8. Your edges are so smooth! I wish i could get mine to be like that. I'm glad you're enjoying your stretch.

    1. Blowing drying while stretching out my roots certainly helped.

  9. Lots of new growth and your hair looks healthy

  10. You have tamed the heck out of your NG. mines are so unruly. you have a good amount of NG for being at 12 weeks.

    1. I think using JBCO on my scalp probably helped as well.


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