

My Hair Regimen is really simple as I believe less is more. The below is a sequence of how I give my hair some TLC, as I strive to maintain a moisture and protein balance to achieve the maximum results of healthy hair.

Weekends (Saturday or Sunday) – Wash Day

1)   Pre-poo with an oil of my choice or a moisturizing conditioner for 20-30mins with heat
2)   Shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo
3)   Light Protein treatment for 5mins without heat
4)   Deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner for 30mins-1hr with heat
5)   Apply my leave-in conditioners, oil and detangle
6)   Air dry
7)   Apply JBCO on my scalp and Moisturize and seal my hair
8)   Style as I desire

Tuesdays/Wednesdays – Co-Wash Day (Summer Months)

1)   Deep condition on dry hair for 30mins-1hour with heat
2)   Co-wash with a moisturizing conditioner
3)   Apply my leave in conditioner, oil and detangle
4)   Air dry
5)   Apply JBCO on my scalp and Moisturize and seal my hair
6)   Style as I desire


1)    Moisturize and seal every day
2)    Either wrap my hair or a loose bun and place a satin bonnet or satin scarf to go to bed

Points to Note:

1)    During the week I mainly wear protective styles like buns, inside corn row/French braid
2)    Relax every 12-16 weeks
3)    Clarify once a month
4)    Between weeks 12-16, I only comb my hair and detangle on wash days
5)    Between 0-6 weeks post relaxer I deep condition with heat for 30mins
6)    Between 7-12 weeks post relaxer I deep condition with heat for 45mins
7)    Between 7-12 weeks post I relaxer I moisturize my new growth every 3 days with my concoction
8)    Between 13-16 weeks post relaxer I deep condition with heat for 1 hour
9)    I apply my deep conditioner like I’m applying relaxer
10)  I trim my hair once a year or as needed
11)  I do a black dye rinse once a year 

 My Products

Please click image to enlarge
Co-Wash Conditioner

Please click image to enlarge
Deep Conditioner (Moisture)
Deep Conditioner (Protein)
Please click image to enlarge
Leave In Conditioner
Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream (Protein)
Aussie Moist Conditioner (Moisture) (Not pictured)*

Please click image to enlarge
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Mixed with my Deep Conditioner)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Mixed with my Deep Conditioner)
Jojoba Oil(Mixed with my Deep Conditioner)
Hot Six Oil (Sealant)
African's Herbal Oil (Mixed with my Deep Conditioner)
Peppermint Oil (Mixed with my Deep Conditioner)
Jamaican Black Castor Oil (On my Scalp)

Serums/ Heat Protectant
Roux Porosity Control Correction & Conditioner

* Updated on March 9, 2014                                                                                                         *affiliate links included


  1. Hi Tomi,
    Loving the blog...only last week some told me my hair looks healthy and good and I started to tell her about your ideas. Thanks much :)
    I have a few questions
    Do you have specific measurements for oils etc. you use in the Deep Conditioner or do you just wing it?
    Can I remix the oils ?
    How do you know when to use the DC Moisture instead of DC Protein?

    1. Thanks for the love and support. It depends on the amount of DC I am mixing at the time eg when I mix the the whole jar of the Queen Helene Cholesterol which is 15oz, I use about 6 table spoons of the carrier oils of my choice and a 5 drops of essential oil.
      Yes you can mix carrier oils like Coconut oil, Olive Oil e.t.c Also you can add essential oils like peppermint oil, rosemary oil e.t.c I advise to never use an essential oil by itself but to mix it with carrier oils.
      I mainly focus on moisturizing DC after every shampoo as my hair craves moisture. I can tell if I need to do a protein DC when I start to see unnecessary breakage or if my hair feels over moisturized. I do a light protein biweekly and a strong one every 6-8weeks. I am really focused on keeping my moisture and protein balance in check. Hope this helps :-)

  2. Thanks for the tips will try it out and tell you how it goes

  3. where do u get your extra virgin coconut oil and jojoba oil ,what were the prices please .thanks

    1. I bought the EVCO from Amazon but its available in health shops here but very expensive ( $45.00 - $60.00). I got the Jojoba Oil form #1 beauty Supply in Bridgetown for $9.00.

    2. how long did it take to get it from amazon ...... did u get it ship here or u have connections overseas

    3. It was shipped to the US and I collected it when I travelled.

  4. hi Tomi, hope you are good. been browsing through your old and newer posts and realized that you have been using a few new products on your HJ compared to the original products you have listed. so I was wondering if you can PLEASE do an updated product list on this page. you are my biggest inspiration on my HJ, so I don't want to miss any goodies. lol.........thanks

    1. Thanks for the reminder! I've updated my list for the products I love and will repurchase. Good luck with your hair journey and keep me updated.

  5. thanks for taking the time to update Tomi. I really appreciate it. I need your help, its been almost three months since the beginning of my HJ and I am struggling with excessive shedding. my hair is growing and is very thick, but the shedding, especially, after I apply my leave in of aphogee green tea restructurizer plus any of these (s-curl, its a 10, wave nouveau, organix anti breakage serum, etc.) is unbearable. today, I used aussie moist and aphogee green tea and a bit of EVCO and I still shed a lot. at first I thought JBCO had something to do with it, and tried black tea rinse, garlic, indian powders, ACV rinse.....nothing is working. did you experience anything like this?. I did the search and destroy method yesterday, trimmed before starting my HJ, and do protein treatments. I have almost all the products you've listed in your regimen. what can you advice please? I've been getting split ends easily, but very minimal breakage. shedding is my issue. please help me Tomi. thank you

    1. Hey Stoney, whats your email address so we can continue to chat in more detail. Shoot me an email at

  6. Hi Tomi,
    I am about to start my hair journey. Pls i need advice on how to go about it and i dnt want to do d big chop plus i want front hair to grow back. My email is I hope to hear frm u soon, thanks


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